আমরা যারা বার্ডিং করি,ফিল্ডে প্যাঁচা দেখলে তাকে উপেক্ষা করে এগিয়ে যেতে পারি এরকম সাধ্য কতজনের আছে! অন্তত মিনিটখানেক হলেও আমরা থমকে দাঁড়াই। তা সে আগে যতবার খুশি মোলাকাতই হোকনা কেন। এবারে যদি সেই প্যাঁচারা দলবলবেঁধে আপনার পড়ার ঘরে ঢুকেপড়ে তাহলে কেমন হবে! এই ধরুন আপনি গল্প, উপন্যাস, ছড়া, কবিতা, প্যারোডি, লিমেরিক, ভূত-প্রেত, গোয়েন্দা, রহস্য-রোমাঞ্চ, রূপকথা,
ডা. কনাদ বৈদ্য, দীপক কুমার দাঁ গোবরডাঙা গবেষণা পরিষদ লেখকের কথায়ঃ বাংলা ভাষায় লেখা পাখিদের ওপর লেখা ‘কাজের, অকাজের’ যাবতীয় বই বা সাময়িকীগুলোর নিবন্ধীকরণের কাজ আর একটু এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া হল। ৯৬ পাতার বইটিতে রয়েছে এপার বাংলা আর ওপার বাংলা থেকে প্রকাশিত প্রায় ৩০০ বইয়ের তথ্য। আর পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বিভিন্ন পত্র-পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত ১২০০ শিরোনামের পরিচিতি। জানি,
The second BWS bird watching camp was organised over five days (December 17 to 21, 2022) near Majua under Darjeeling District of West Bengal. The camp was attended by a total of 26 enthusiastic members covering all age groups from college going students to retired seniors. After the first camp that was organised in Purulia,
“You must have the bird in your heart before you can find it in the bush.” – John Burroughs, Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers It had all along been an idea at the back of our minds to conduct an Annual Birdwatching Camp, where members could pursue their passion for birdwatching and
After the overwhelming response received at the Bird talk arranged by the Students’ Health Home in collaboration with the Birdwatchers’ Society at Kolkata, the members of the SHH at Jalpaiguri expressed their eagerness to hold a similar event at Jalpaiguri. The event was held at the auditorium hall of the SHH at Jalpaiguri on the
This year, SHH decided to inform, inspire and involve students, who are the base of our society, towards improving our deteriorating environment. Birdwatchers’ Society (BWS) also believes that the student brigade, the future of a healthy earth, needs to be informed about and involved in environmental activities by whichever means available and suitable for them.
BWS conducted a bird walk at Safari Park with students from Kolkata schools. Students from South Point School, Kolkata along with their teachers and DPS Newtown students along with their parents attended the walk under the guidance of BWS members. Field scopes, binoculars were taken by BWS members. As whole, around 50 people were present
The park’s actual name is Banabitan Biodiversity Park, an urbanized park located at the centre of the Salt Lake area in Kolkata. It’s a natural habitat for many species of birds and butterflies. As per earlier records, roughly 60 odd bird species are resident, and quite a few migrant birds visit the park in winter
Ajit Ghatak, who became a BWS member after the walk, reports: A day to cherish & remember for a long time thanks to the BIRDWATCHER’S SOCIETY !!! The theme was to listen to the chirps & sound of the birds & thereafter spot them by name & origin. Thus it was named “WALK BY SOUND”.
BWS organised a public Bird Walk in Newtown, Rajarhat on Sunday, the 18th of June 2023. The walk was organised around the Diplomatic Enclave area where 2 waterbodies are present. Volunteers were there with binoculars, spotter scopes and field guide to help enthusiastic citizens. The waterbody we were at, was low in water. In spite