Great Backyard Bird Count (India) 16 – 19 February, 2024

GBBC India is the Indian implementation of the global Great Backyard Bird Count, which runs for 4 days every February. Indian birders have participated in the GBBC since the event went worldwide in 2013. The 2023 edition of GBBC engaged over 4,259 birders who uploaded over 53,000 checklists and recorded 1,072 species! Most importantly, it’s

Spotted Flycatcher in WB

“Spotted Flycatcher is passage migrant which spend few weeks in Western India in monsoon during their pathway to wintering in Africa. It’s bit strange to see this bird wintering in India, specially in the eastern part of the country. Probably this is the first record from West Bengal.” Observer: Sumanta Pramanick Species: Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa