Dawn Chorus (DC)

BWS decided to start Bengal’s Dawn Chorus day on 1st Sunday of April every year. Starting from 2nd April 2023, we are about to experience the 2nd Dawn Chorus on 7th April 2024, Sunday.

What Is Dawn Chorus

The dawn chorus is the outbreak of birdsong at the start of a new day. In temperate countries this is most noticeable in spring when the birds are either defending a breeding territory, trying to attract a mate or calling in the flock. Each species has its own precise time to start this call and in a forested area the vocalization of individual birds becomes a chorus within a short span of time where all the birds start calling in unison. This is known as dawn chorus and the scientific community is studying the different aspects of this phenomenon for a long time now to understand birds more intimately.
Apart from its aesthetic appeal that many call a symphony, a careful scientific study of dawn chorus can reveal a lot of things about natural condition of a place like the quality of the dawn chorus of that area. This is a very basic but important example of how dawn chorus can help us unravel the mysteries of the wilderness.

Just to inform, BWS DAWN CHORUS has now gone national. Participants are pouring in from all corners of India. Those who wish to know more about and participate in the Dawn Chorus program, can have a look at the blurb at https://birdcount.in/event/dawn-chorus-day/
They have the option of joining a Dawn chorus WhatsApp group to know more about it.