Black Baza – Bakkhali – 29th Nov 2020

Black Baza – Photograph by Partha Sen “The Black Baza was observed being harassed by Large-billed Crows. It had injury in one of its eyes.” Observers: Sandip Das, Sujan Chatterjee, Partha Sen, Suman Paul, Sudipto Roy, Malay Mandal, Sanchita Dey, Bhaskarjyoti Banerjee & Tapasi Mukherjee Species: Black Baza (Aviceda leuphotes) Date & Time: 29th Nov

Winter bird study of Saheb Bandh, Purulia-WB between 2017 and 2021

Northern Pintail – Photograph by Sohini Ghosh In 2017 from January to March the following birds were observed in Saheb Bandh, Purulia:- [Observation dates were 12/01/2017, 23/01/2017, 10/02/2017, 11/02/2017 and 19/03/2017] Northern Pintail: 30 (+/- 5) Red-Crested Pochard: 15 (+5) Northern Shoveler: 6 (+3) Gadwall: 30 (+/- 5) Lesser Whistling Duck: 500 (+/- 100) Cotton

Stork-billed Kingfisher From Balcony

“A massive kingfisher with a large scarlet bill. Its regular contact call is a loud laughing “ka- ka-ka” repeated 6-10 times. Generally found in lowland waterside habitats. Can be seen in primary rainforest, bamboo-forest and mangroves, but also in more open areas such as coconut plantations and paddy fields. Often seen perched on mangrove roots

Yellow-bellied Prinia – Joka

“A resident, Least-concern species(LC). Unlike other prinias, this species is a brightly coloured, distinctive prinia of 12-14 cm, with a long graduated tail. Sexes are similar. This habitat of this species is tall grasses and reed-beds, lowland fields, wetlands by paddy fields, tamarisk thickets, grassy side of mangroves towards the land. They are typically found