We’ve been running a year-long program with 8th graders at CWA (Sarsuna) since April 2024, starting with engaging indoor sessions during the scorching summer and rainy monsoons. Come winter, we shifted gears to select the most enthusiastic participants and launched a dedicated Nature Club.
The figure shows the number of children picked for the Nature Club based on their classroom interactions and various assignments. They have shown us their interest through their understanding of concepts like evolution, extinction and conservation. They have surprised us with their own unique observations and meticulous documentations of the natural world, as well as through independently gathering information on nature and wildlife. Quite a few children distinguished themselves by displaying empathy for Nature, something we strive to inculcate in our participants. A few students displayed extraordinary retention of concepts and information discussed during the previous sessions.

A lively Nature walk with the newly formed Nature Club set the tone, and based on their excitement, future sessions—both indoors and outdoors—promise to be an absolute hoot!