
“The world is our classroom and each day is a lesson!”
Indoor Sessions
Here is a gist of how the children reviewed the various activities they engaged in during the two indoor sessions (Introduction to birds + DIY bird feeders) at the start of our workshop. The children rated the activities highly, with the lowest of them being “Backyard birds” at 3.96. However, this changed significantly after the Nature walk and has been highlighted later in the report.
Ratings of learning outcomes (Chart 1)

Ratings of engagement (Chart 2)

“It takes half your life before you discover that life is a do-it-yourself project!”
Nature Walk
Here is a gist of how the children reviewed the various activities they engaged in during the Nature walk at Rabindra Sarobar to conclude the 3-day workshop. We received an overwhelming response from the participants, to say the least.

“INNER PEACE” (Photo taken during our activity called “Active listening”)
Classroom Without Walls
On comparing children’s experiences in the classroom and the field, we found the below charts to be among the highlights to be showcased.
Overall engagement (Chart 1)

Interest in backyard birds (Chart 2)

Although the overall engagement was considerably high during the indoor sessions & incredibly so during the Nature walk, there was a marked improvement in interest in backyard birds once the children stepped out in the open.

Backyard birds in focus!!!
Pre & Post Workshop Assessment
Interest in Nature (Chart 1)

The children’s interest in Nature was notably high within the members of the Nature Club with very little scope for further improvement. However, within the short window of the 3-day workshop, we have been able to achieve a marked increase in the interests of those who attended the entire programme

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Dr. Jane Goodall
Word Of Mouth
We received an overwhelmingly positive response from all the children who participated during the 3 days. Some of their written feedback particularly touched us and has been chosen to reflect upon the essence of the workshop.

“It is not half so important to know as to feel.” – Rachel Carson.