The BWS Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 was held on Sunday, 1st September, at the DB Block community hall near the BWS office in Salt Lake. For members outside Kolkata, there was an option to attend the AGM live via Zoom, in addition to attending in person
Apart from Secretary and Treasurer, several committee members and general members attended the AGM in person, while outstation members joined via Zoom. Overall total member registration was 60+. The secretary provided an overview of BWS activities for 2023-24, and the treasurer presented the financial details.
lease find the detailed AGM report for 2024 here:
Annual report link
In an ideal world, all of us at Birdwatchers Society would be engaged in the pursuit of the angels in the sky, day in and day out. However, it is also an irrefutable fact that the growth of any organisation depends on its commercial robustness. Hence annual reports and balance sheets are equally essential to ensure a symbiotic flow between our dreams and our ability to achieve those dreams.
Annual report link
I have been member of BNHS, Mumbai. Presently in Kolkata, I would be interested in knowing 1. where I can get your publications – Birds of W. Bengal & Birds of Sikkim and N.Bengal 2. Who are the coordinators in Kalimpong. 3. Where I can get the Journal – Indian Birds 4. Do I get a special rate for Ricoh Binoculars going through you. Thanks