“You must have the bird in your heart before you can find it in the bush.”
– John Burroughs, Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers
It had all along been an idea at the back of our minds to conduct an Annual Birdwatching Camp, where members could pursue their passion for birdwatching and engage in meaningful ‘adda’ to hone their skills. We soon narrowed down our search to Ayodhya Hills in Purulia district, primarily because the area has not been fully explored and the habitat promises a chance to see many uncommon birds.
After careful research, Bon Polashi Eco Huts was chosen as the preferred accommodation for the camp. Set along the northern edge of Ayodhya Hills and nestled along the serene waters of Murguma Dam, Bon Polashi Eco Huts promised all that we were looking for in our Annual Camp; cozy accommodation, picturesque setting, delectable local cuisine and walking trails through woods and hills. We booked the accommodation for 3 Nights – 4 Days (16-19 December 2021).
As the bus departed from Bon Polashi at 10:30 amon 19th December 2021, as we headed home, the mood was somber and reflective of the experience that had enriched one and all. A supremely successful 1st BWS Annual Birdwatching Camp culminated on a high note, with ample encouragement to plan for the next camp.
“Birds will give you a window, if you allow them. They will show you the secrets from another world – fresh vision that, though it is avian, can accompany you home and alter your life. They will do this for you even if you don’t know their names – though such knowing is a thoughtful gesture. They will do this for you if you watch them.”
– Lyanda Lynn Haupt, Rare Encounters with Ordinary Birds
To know more about the camp experience and bird list read our Newsletter Fantail Vol1 Issue3 page 90 <Newsletter Fantail Vol1 Issue3 page 90 link>